It is unlawful to own, keep, or harbor any fowl (means any heavy bodied, terrestrial bird of the order Galliformes, including but not limited to chickens, ducks, geese, pheasants, turkeys, grouse, guineas, or other common domestic fowl, but not including caged pet birds kept inside a building) within the City limits except as follows:
1. In an area zoned AG, no more than six (6) fowl may be kept per acre. In all other zoning districts, no more than six (6) fowl may be kept per household regardless of lot size;
2. All fowl kept under this section shall be confined in a pen, coop, or other structure sufficient to prevent their escape;
3. Every such pen, coop or other structure required for the confinement of fowl under this section shall be located at least 15 feet distant from any property line.
Read the full Ordinance.