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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are the modern methods by which transportation professionals leverage technology to provide better mobility for the movement of people and goods. For citizens in the City of Tyler, this means a more reliable work commute or better drive down South Broadway on Saturday for shopping. ITS means the City Traffic Engineer can receive near real-time alerts when a traffic signal goes into a flashing state because of a thunderstorm. ITS means many different things to many different ‘users’ of the transportation system. An effective ITS benefits all users of the transportation system, including citizens, traffic signal technicians, city traffic engineer, fire department, police department, and emergency response vehicles.
In 2019, the City Engineering Services Department authorized a study to investigate the City’s core system used to monitor and operate the transportation network and develop an implementation plan to update and modernize the transportation system.
Read more about the ITS Master Plan and what the FUTURE of the Tyler Traffic System will be. Tyler ITS Summary Report
Traffic Operations
Traffic signals and signs help control traffic to make intersections safer for all modes of transportation. The City of Tyler continually investigates signal and signage needs citywide, as well as installs temporary signs for special events as needed.
Traffic Operations has the responsibility to provide the safe and efficient movement of people and goods within the city limits by operating and maintaining traffic control devices in accordance with The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards and guidance.
Signal and Sign Technicians maintain 149 traffic signals and 80 flashing beacon warning lights, including school zones, protected crosswalks (pedestrian buttons and signals), and install and maintain more than 90,000 street signs within city limits including regulatory and street name signs.
Traffic Operations also manages the City of Tyler School Crossing Guard Program.
Traffic Operations Goals
To respond in a timely manner to the public and other jurisdictional entities in matters of traffic safety, traffic trends, transportation plans and planning efforts.
To maintain and enhance where possible the basic accessibility and efficient mobility for present and future residents of the City, by continually evaluating strategies for upgrading the existing traffic signal capabilities to match real-time traffic patterns/volumes.
To monitor and maintain traffic flow throughout City using centralized monitoring software and traffic detection cameras.