City Ordinance. Sec. 16-4. Residential collection.
f. Leaves. All leaves to be collected by the City shall be placed in the parkway behind the curb line at a location so that access to it is not obstructed by overhanging tree limbs, wires, or other obstacles which would interfere with mechanical collection. Leaves should be placed in bio-degradable bags. Leaves shall not be placed in City-supplied containers. Twenty-five (25) or more bags should be called in for special pickup and shall be assessed a charge in accordance with the fee schedule in this Article.
The route will generally pick up the bags of leaves and a charge will be made to the customer's water bill for any amount over 25 bags. Please contact us at (903) 531-1388 if you have any questions, or to call in a special pick up of your leaves.
Due to the design of the fully automated trucks, leaf bags cannot be picked up if you do not place your city cart out. Customers are not to place leaf bags into the cart themselves, but the route driver will have to use your cart to get the bags into the top opening of the fully automated trucks.
For large limbs or brush not bundled, please call (903) 531-1388 to schedule a Special Pick-up, fee is required. An estimate can be requested prior to pick up.
Limbs four feet or less in length, tied in small bundles, not exceeding 50 pounds will be picked up on the same day as your household garbage. It should be placed at the curb six feet away from your garbage cart. Carts are for household garbage only. Please do not place yard waste in the cart. The crew will not dump the cart if there is yard waste in it.