Tyler, TX
Home MenuMicroTransit
What is MicroTransit?
Microtransit service is an accessible, on-demand mode of transportation that allows customers to use a smartphone app or telephone number to request and schedule a ride within designated service areas.
Where can Customers catch MicroTransit?
Customers will need to go to a designated bus stop for service.
Where can Customers be dropped off?
Customers can be dropped off at a designated bus stop anywhere in the service zone.
What is the fare?
Fare is the same as Fixed Route. Passes will be accepted across both services.
How do Customers request service?
For the best experience, the Tyler Transit smart phone app has been launched and is usable for all MicroTransit zones. In the event you are having issues with the app, please call our office at 903-533-8057.
How do customers get to areas outside of the MicroTransit zone?
MicroTransit will drop the customers off at the Donnybrook transfer point or Bergfeld transferpoint where they will be able to catch Route 10 or Route 11.
MicroTransit App:
Tyler Transit has launched an app to allow customers to schedule their own trips for MicroTransit. Visit Tyler Transit App for more information.
MicroTransit Service Map: